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Miss Chelsea Smith

Welcome to the webpage for my fourth grade classroom! My name is Ms. Chelsea Smith, and I will be your child’s fourth grade teacher this year. This is my first year teaching at Erma Nash Elementary School. I am so excited and anticipating a wonderful year! I am looking forward to meeting and working with you this school year. Together we can make this a great year for your child!


Philosophy of Education

I believe B.F. Skinner couldn’t have said it any better, “Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”  I strongly believe that the aim of education should be helping guide children in the right direction, in order for, them to become successful adults one day. Teachers play a huge role in children’s lives, not just by helping them learn and gain knowledge through the subjects they have to teach but also by being a good role model, in order to help them make right decisions in their lives. I am looking forward to experiencing what it is like to be an educator one day and hope to make a positive impact on my students as my past teachers have on me.

 The teacher can’t just focus on academics and the entire class as a whole but they have to focus on each individual student. Teachers need to take in consideration that each student learns differently than the others therefore, teachers need to be patient and understanding that most of the students will either need more time to understand concepts or students will be ahead and ready for what is next. The teacher needs to focus on each student and come to a conclusion on an effective approach to teach.

I believe that the purposes of today’s schools include helping students develop personal and social values because, society is always changing, new ideas are important to make the future better than the past.

I believe teachers can best help students learn by being outgoing and trustworthy.  Teamwork and interaction with each student is an important key to getting the students involved and interested in what they are currently learning in school.  Often as a student when I was younger, I felt as though what I was learning in school wouldn’t apply to me outside of school. When becoming a teacher I want to be able to show students that feel that way differently. Students today need to understand the relevance of what they are learning and how it applies to life today.  I think it’s important that teachers in today’s society gain a sense of humility and lose any prideful and arrogant side they might have. Then they need to realize that it is ok to make mistakes because students need to realize that their teachers are human as well. Once teachers are humble and understanding, I believe it will create a comfortable, safe, and more effective learning environment for everyone.

I believe teachers can address student differences by creating the classroom so it is welcoming to all students and create a challenging and conducive learning environment. Different cultures, languages, backgrounds, sexes, and intelligence need to be included in the classroom. Students should be the center of the classroom and contribute to their curriculum and assessment. Teamwork is important because I believe in working together as well  as individually because it will help the student learn more about themselves and who they are. I feel that a student’s growth process and learning about who they are as individuals are major things that should be brought into the classroom.

I believe the very best teaching practices include progressivism which focuses on the child rather than the subject matter. Progressivism emphasis is on learning by doing, hands on projects and experiential learning. It focuses on problem solving and critical thinking and group work developing social skills.  Teachers that follow progressivism help students understand the goals of learning as opposed to rote knowledge, which is extremely important to every individual student.

Some people may believe that education is all about textbooks and writing papers but I believe that helping a child to love learning is beyond measure. The philosophy of education is going to be viewed by everyone in a differently. As someone who plans on going into the education field, it is important that I understand my personal feelings and goals. There are so many parts in making education successful such as; teachers, students, and administration. I find that the philosophy of education comes from within and what you experience is how you are going to take on your profession. 



Ms. Chelsea Smith's
Fourth Grade Class

Office hours: 8:00-5:00pm
Office Phone Number: (817)921-2900

Please schedule appointments and conferences in advance, they are encouraged and always welcome.

Any questions?

Feel free to e-mail me at: smith211764@mail.dbu.edu


In today’s society we depend on technology so much, it is almost impossible to go a day without it. As a teacher, I strongly believe it is extremely important to integrate technology into the classroom. I think more emphasis should be placed on teachers developing and maintaining technology competency. Technology progressively advances with each day. It offers so many possibilities in the education environment. There seems to be new tools appearing every day. It is important to keep track of changes, so that you can be up-to-date with technology and find out what tools may be beneficial and available for your classroom.  Technology is essential in the education field today. Teachers need to provide more opportunities for their studies to use technology in the classroom, in order to set their students up for success in the future. Instead of teachers, that are stuck teaching in their old ways rather than exploring and learning new methods of teachings.

Teachers should take advantaged of the Internet technology and explore technological innovations from other cultures. I would make sure to utilize this idea and concept in my own classroom by learning and researching more about technology the best I can. Teachers need to embrace technology and have a positive mindset about it,  because they have such a huge impact on their students, if a teacher feels negatively about a certain topic, like technology for example, then students could feed off that and gain a negative attitude towards technology as well.

There are so many different types of technology available for teachers to use in their classroom now days. For instance, I made a PowerPoint describing and explaining what a Document Camera was and how it would be beneficial in the classroom.  I would love to be able to provide any kind of technology in my classroom, such as; computers, printers, overhead projector, various computer software like PowerPoint, a document camera/Elmo, CD player with some kind of audio speakers, Smartboard. I think online learning is a great tool as well. I was able to design a webquest for fourth graders over cloud formation and identification, in my Instructional Technology classes. A webquest is an assignment which asks the students to use the World Wide Web to learn about and/or synthesize their knowledge over a specific topic. Technology is a beneficial tool that can increase student active engagement, participation, and frequent interacting and feedback. Technology and multimedia applications should be used as a took to enhance a child’s educational experience by creating a variety of methods to meet special needs, teach children how to manage information, and allow for opportunities to develop high level thinking skills. I believe it should be an integral part of the learning environment, to do anything less would be a disservice to our students.